Regional Panels
Aotearoa New Zealand Panel: Rangatirangatanga mō te Oranga – Innovation in systems and service change for equitable cultural spaces
Bringing together different knowledge systems and services grown out of cultural drivers, the Aotearoa NZ panel includes Desna Whaanga-Schollum, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pāhauwera (Ngā Aho); Angie Tangaere Ngāti Porou (The Southern Initiative); and Dr Penny Hagen (Auckland Codesign-Lab). This panel will share and reflect ways in which Māori communities play a role or lead in governance, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of design that addresses cultural inequity.
As Māori and non-Māori practitioners working to shape the potential of services as enablers of whānau (family) wellbeing, we will discuss some of the tensions that emerge in seeking to build capacity for holistic policy and service system responses, grounded in place and culture. We emphasise, in particular, the potential and challenges of realizing services and responses led by cultural equity as imagined under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the potential for whānau to whānau or peer to peer services focused on building community capability and social capital, leading to self-determined community responses. And, what are the implications for the government as an “enabling” partner in this reconfiguration of community strengths and aspirations?