Aguinaldo dos Santos
Father of Lucca and Thomas and husband of Ana Lucia. Car Mechanic (SENAI/1984), Civil Engineer (UFPR/1992), MSc on Civil Engineering (UFRGS/1995), PhD on Built Environment (SALFORD/UK/1999), Pos-doctoral on Design for Sustainability (POLIMI/Italy, 2010). Head of the Design & Sustainability Research Center and Vice-coordinator of the Design Post-graduate Program at Paraná Federal University, Brazil. Holds a “Level 2 Productivity Schoolarship” from CNPq (Brazilian Funding Agency) since 2004. Member of the administrative board of the Brazilian Design Center (CBD). Member of editorial board of several journals. Publications in numbers: 53 journal papers, 12 books, 8 book chapters, 142 conference papers. Co-author of 4 patent submissions. Supervisions: 39 MSc; 5 PhDs. Native stingless bee conservationist; poet; numismatist; marathon runner.